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Exploring the Performance Characteristics and Advantages of PE Coated Color-Coated Aluminum Coils


Color-coated aluminum coils are widely used in the construction industry for their durability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal. Among the various types of coatings available, PE (polyester) coating stands out for its exceptional performance characteristics. In this blog, we will delve into the features, benefits, and drawbacks of PE color-coated aluminum coils to better understand their significance in building decoration.

Performance Characteristics of PE Coated Color-Coated Aluminum Coils:

PE coating plays a vital role in protecting aluminum coils from the damaging effects of sunlight, ensuring their longevity and minimizing maintenance costs. The coating’s anti-UV properties shield the aluminum surface from fading, discoloration, and oxidation, making it an ideal choice for outdoor applications.

PE coatings are available in both matt and high gloss finishes, offering a wide variety of design options to suit different needs and occasions. The excellent glossiness of PE coatings enhances the visual appeal and elegance of color-coated aluminum coils, making them a popular choice for architectural projects.

The tight molecular structure of the PE coating creates a smooth and flat surface on the color-coated aluminum coil. This makes it easy to apply prints, designs, or decorative patterns onto the surface, further enhancing its aesthetic appeal.

Advantages of PE Coating:

1. Solvent-free and High Film Fullness: PE coating is a solvent-free coating with a solid content of up to 100%. This unique characteristic enables it to form a thick film in a single application, resulting in a high fullness of the coating film. The dense coating film offers excellent protection against outdoor elements and extends the lifespan of the aluminum coils.

2. Outstanding Hardness and Chemical Resistance: PE coatings exhibit remarkable hardness, surpassing 3H on the pencil hardness scale. This high level of hardness makes the coated surface resistant to wear, chemicals, acids, alkalis, and other corrosive substances. Consequently, PE-coated color-coated aluminum coils have protective applications in containers, pipes, oil pipelines, and various chemical storage and transportation systems.

3. Superior Weather Resistance: PE coatings demonstrate excellent weather resistance and anti-aging properties, making them suitable for outdoor applications. Their ability to withstand prolonged exposure to harsh environmental conditions, including UV radiation, humidity, and temperature fluctuations, ensures long-lasting performance and color retention.

Disadvantages of PE Coating:

1. Complex Application Process: The operability of PE coatings can be relatively complex. Initiators and accelerators need to be added to induce the curing process. The amount of initiators and accelerators required depends on changes in temperature and humidity. It is crucial to handle these additives cautiously, as adding them simultaneously may pose risks of fires and explosions.

2. Short Active Period: PE coatings have a relatively short active period once mixed. The mixed paint must be used within 25 minutes to ensure optimal performance. Careful planning and efficient utilization are necessary to minimize wastage and maintain consistent coating quality.

3. Poor Adhesion: PE coatings exhibit poor adhesion to metal and other substrates. To ensure successful application, the surface to be coated must be appropriately primed before use, or an adhesion promoter must be added to the powder coating to improve adhesion. This additional step is essential for achieving a durable and long-lasting coating.


PE color-coated aluminum coils offer significant advantages such as excellent UV protection, customizable aesthetics, and superior chemical and weather resistance. However, it is essential to consider the complex application process, limited matte finish options, and the need for proper surface preparation to achieve optimal results. By understanding the features and drawbacks of PE coatings, architects, builders, and decorators can leverage the benefits of this environmentally friendly, durable, and visually appealing building material.

Post time: Mar-13-2024